Teacher contract for Sarah’s Violin Studio: Please check on a regular basis for updates. My intention for this studio is to give each student an amazing musical experience and to make a wonderful work environment for all the teachers. I want this studio to be a wonderful place to be! With your help, we can achieve this goal. These expectations as well as our parent/teacher expectations help to achieve this. Having consistent guidelines for each person in the studio is essential for the overall success.
Your job: To teach lessons in the timeslots that you have agreed upon. To build connections with students and parents. To plan, organize and teach engaging and quality lessons. To have communication with parents about student progress. To maintain the studio’s reputation in the community. To work to retain students. To predict and prevent issues in your studio by good communication with each person. To make every effort to be here each day you have agreed upon to teach. To have an awareness towards retention.
Payment: I use 10-99s for tax purposes.
Keep this in mind throughout the year to plan finances accordingly.
Schedule: Once students are scheduled, if they need to change their permanent time slot, they need to let us know as soon as possible so we can find a spot that works for you (the teacher) and the student. If you have a family who is consistently missing, please remind them that we are happy to check on a schedule change for them. There will be no make-up times. If a student cannot make it to their lesson slot, we can do virtual lessons, written-feedback or lesson videos. We don’t do make-up lessons to be respectful towards your time. (Note: if your student arrives early, but near their time slot, feel free to take them early if you’d like, we just cannot move their actual time slot.) If you have a no show, or a family who says they do not want a lesson video, please consider using this time to plan lessons, send materials to a student who needs them, send a progress report to a parent, organize your studio, etc.
You are expected to be at each lesson at the time slot you have decided upon each day you have agreed to work. Before each semester, I give you the option of what days you want to work and you previously chose what hours you want to work. Our consistency makes the studio successful and so please make every effort to be here each day you have agreed upon to work. If we add a student to your schedule, you are committed to expanding your schedule, so please think about that if you choose to add a student. However, it is ALWAYS your choice when you want to add students. Please strive to start and end lessons on time.We want to be respectful of parents time so it’s important that we start and end as scheduled.
Note: if you start a lesson late due to running over with another student, running to the bathroom, etc. please hold that student for their half hour. If the student is late, please still end the lesson on time.
In the event that you must take a sick day but you feel well enough to teach, online lessons are an option. Please do this as sparingly as possible as in-person lessons are ideal. Please treat your teaching schedule as a priority. Consistency leads to good retention, progress and a successful studio. Days you are not teaching, you will not be paid for. When a student stops lessons, you will no longer be paid for that student. You will be given the option as to if you’d like to fill the gap of the student who stopped lessons.
General Expectations: To be at the studio before your first student arrives to have enough time to be organized to start at the first student's arrival.
Please prepare students well for each recital. Recitals are where we get to showcase the studio, so it’s important that we prepare well so the studio can be reflected well. As always, you get to decide how to teach on a daily basis (method books, exercises, song selection etc.) however, be mindful towards having wonderful final performances.
To be here every day that you are scheduled to teach, I expect teachers to not schedule anything over their previously scheduled lessons once they have turned in their scheduling form for the semester. Please look at your personal schedule thoroughly before submitting your schedule to me to make sure your submitted schedule is accurate. I understand when emergencies happen (sickness, family emergency), but it’s important for the success of your students, the studio and good retention to commit to the days you have agreed upon to teach. I expect teachers to treat teaching with the same seriousness as a wedding or orchchestra gig and to only cancel a scheduled day of lessons for an emergency. I am able to have consistent students for you and so I expect that you are consistent with your schedule and to not plan over your teaching schedule. Our studio families make a financial sacrifice to take lessons with us. It’s important that we treat our families very well and have their lessons as a huge priority in our schedules. I am aware that teaching at the studio is not your only job, however, please take the hours your have chosen to work as a priority in your scheduling.
Snowy weather-Since we all drive from different locations, if you do not feel comfortable coming to the studio due to road conditions, you can choose to teach from home. Please see the snow day procedure tab for more info.
Mindfulness towards retaining students and representing the studio well. The best way to retain students is to provide quality and consistent lessons and to be in good communication about goals and progress. Treating the studio areas with respect and encouraging our students to do the same. It is understood that you may use personal material for teaching (ex: books, instruments, lap tops, iPads etc.) however, Sarah’s Violin Studio is not responsible for damage of your own property. Printers should only be used to print studio materials for students. Personal printing is not allowed.
Record lesson videos (or provide alternative instruction material) if the student is absent, upload them and email them to parent(or do written feedback and email that to the parent the day of the missed lesson) Lesson videos should be approximately 15 minutes and have quality content of the material you are currently using in lessons. Missed lesson material should be sent out NO LATER than 24 hours after the missed lesson. You may upload them to Youtube, Google Drive or other platforms of your choice. Whatever works best for you and the student.
Please read through the parent studio policies from time to time so you can help answer questions as they come up. If you don’t know the answer to a question, please ask me, I am always happy to help. It’s crucial that we enforce the same policies for each family in our studio. Knowing the policies to give accurate information to families is so helpful.
Please be on the lookout for any potential issues so you can address issues before they become a bigger issue. (ex: A student losing interest or getting frustrated, disrespect from a parent etc.).
Professional communication with colleagues, families and students. Gossip is prohibited. Please do not talk negatively about other teachers, families or students to others. If there is an issue, please address the issue directly with the person. I’m also happy to help navigate issues. I aim to create a “socially safe” environment for all involved in the studio. There are security cameras in each office space for child protection. On the new student paperwork you can read the details regarding the security cameras. You are responsible for locking and turning off the lights in your office space each night. It is ABSOLUTELY crucial that the last person to leave the building locks the back door. Please always double check that you lock it if you’re the last person to leave. I will require you to complete a background check every 3-4 years so we can be in accordance with child protection procedures
Dress code: Business casual. Nice jeans/slacks are fine. Please dress professionally everyday. It’s important we present ourselves professionally. Even though our teaching ability has nothing to do with our appearance, looking professional creates a credible environment for parents and students. When we dress professionally, clients view us as professionals. “according to the experts, business casual is all about balance, allowing room for your personality while elevating an everyday look.”